Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chapter 1
"I'm so glad we can hang out," I said “let’s jump on the tramp." "So totally," my best friend, Caden replied. We both love to jump on the tramp, I mean, that's all we do. We are both neighbors on Bock Street. My name is Ben Johnson and I am ten years old and I have one sister, Hannah, eight, and one brother, Gabe, seven. Caden and I got to the tramp. It was my tramp. When we got on the tramp we played a game of dummy and werewolf. Then it was time for dinner, and I wanted to have Caden over for dinner.

"Please can I have Caden over for dinner," I pleaded. "Fine," my mother said. We got to the dinner table and sat down. Caden was on my left, and on my right was Hannah. Mom and dad were across from me and Gabe was on the left of Caden. "Let's hang out tomorrow," I said to Caden " and jump on the tramp." " Yeah," replied Caden. "It will be raining the whole day tomorrow, if that's ok with you to jump on the tramp," exclaimed dad. "That's fine with us, right Caden," I said. "That's fine with me," Caden replied. So we had our time to hand out tomorrow figured out but I didn't know that it would get us to go on the tramp in thunder storms.

Chapter 2
"Dude, hurry up!" Caden said," your so slow."
"I'm coming," I called back. We were runing to the tramp in the rain with rain cotes. There was a nice breeze withe the rain rather mild. We ran to my yard and got on the tramp. "This is so cool," exclaimed Caden. "Totolly cool," I replied. We jumped for about five minutes and the I said "let's do this all the time," I said. I don't know why but I started to freak out about this and want to do it all the. "This is to cool," Caden replied. We jumped for another ten minutes, finally there was thunder then lightening. "Let's go home," Caden said,"there's lightening."
"ok," I replied. We got off the tramp then Caden said," is tomorow good?"
"Mabey," I said," Can you come over to my house right now?"
"No, I can't, I have to pratice piano," replied Caden. "By, see you tomorow mabey," I said. We set for home but then there was a defening light and I herd a scream, Caden! I looked and there was Caden sprawled on the ground, DEAD

Chapter 3
"Caden," I cried. "Whoa, that was close," Replied caden. "I'm so glad your alive," I said,” I thought you were dead." "Well, by," said Caden. Then we set out for our home. I really really wanted to go on the tramp again in the heavy rain and thunder and lightening. I started to run because of the rain, I was standing there in the rain for at lest five minuets getting socked.

"Pass the potatoes, please," I said to Gabe. Gabe shoved the potatoes at my, which was not nice. "Don't do that," mom scolded. "Quit shoving stuff at the dinner table," Dad said. I eat fast so I finished dinner before anyone and excused myself. So I called Caden. "So, can you hang out tomorrow or the next day," I said,” well actually I have plans for the next day." "Tomorrow will be perfect," Caden exclaimed. “Tomorrow," I said.

Chapter 4
The next day I finished lunch and went over to Caden's house. Caden lives behind me diagonally to the left. I got to Caden's house and walked on the front porch. It was a clear and sunny day with no clouds at all. Then I rang the door bell. Ding dong. Caden answered the door. "Hi, Ben," Caden said to me. "Hi, Caden," I replied. "So, do you want to jump on the tramp," I offered. "Of course," Canden said "let's go." We got on the tramp and started jumping for about five minutes and started a game of mummy. In mummy you close your eyes and try to tag someone else if you’re it. If you are not the tager and you get tagged you are it. It's a lot like tag. But then dark clouds started to appear in the sky, and the sky started to grow dark and clouds were all over. "This was not on the radio for today," Caden exclaimed "this isn't supposed to happen."

Chapter 5
The sky turnded so dark that you couldent tell if it was day of night. "Forget the storm," Caden said. "Your right, it's no big deal," I replied. But then there was a defening crash that made me jump. "It's just lighting," Caden exclaimed, seeing that I was scared. "Yeah, your right, just lightning," I declared. Then there was three more defening lighting crashes that I decited to just ignore. we played and played for abuot therty minutes and then stoped. "Should we go in," Caden broke the silence. "No way, this is awsome," I replied. "I have a bad fealing about this," I herd Caden say under his breath,"this can't be good.
I herd more and more defenng lighting crashes. I got a chill down the back of my spine. "Mabey we should go home, it's freaking my out," I awserded Cadens plead. We heded for the opening of the tramp when lighting hit the tramp and it started an fire!

Chapter 6
We both ran for the opening on the tramp. The air was hot and stiky on my bare skin. I ran for the opening and came out screaming. I got burnt. Caden ran out screaming, too. "That was really scary," I scraemed over the roar of the fire. "Too scary," Caden screamed,"let's go home.
We both started tord my house. The air had gotten chilly and chill after chill ran down my back. Finally we got in my house. We were both screaming our fool heads off. "What hapened to you," mom asked. I saw what she ment, we were both burnt all over our cloths. Can you imagine,being burnt all over. That thought sent chill after chill down my spine. "Let's go in my room," I offerd. So we went in my room. "What should we do?" Caden asked,"I don't think we should do that ever again.
"Oh come on, that'll never happen again," I exclaimed. "Mabey your right," Caden replied. But I did not know how wrong I could be.

Chapter 7
The next day I was in my room after school eating a snack on my bed. I was kind of bored because Caden had to go to this science class. I don't know why Caden's mom has to make him go to a stupid class. I finished my snack and went down stairs. Then Gabe saw me. "Want to play tag in the house?" Gabe asked. "No, I don't want to play tag," I replied. "Please, please, please," Gabe begged. Go play tag with Gabe," mom said sternly. "Fine,” I grumbled under my breath. We played tag for about ten minutes. Gabe was it and I hid under my bed. "Ben, were are you," Gabe cried,” You can't hide in tag.
That made me giggles. "I herd something," Gabe said coming towards me. Then he came up to my bed and tagged me. "You’re it," Gabe screamed in triumphs. I ran to tag him and he ran out of my room. I followed him. Gabe tuned a corner and I hit a wall hard. "Oww," I cried,” can we play outside," I asked in pain. "Ok, that would be fun," Gabe answered.

Chapter 8
Gabe and I went outside. It was a sunny and cloudy afternoon. The sky was starting to grow dark. "Your it," Gabe said, and ran off in the back yard. I started by going around the right side of our yard in the back yard were Gabe was. I found him hiding behind some bushes. "Hey, you said you can't hide in tag," I yelled at him. "I changed my mind," Gabe answered. "But-," I couldn’t finish my sentence because Gabe ran off. "Hey," I cried. I ran after him to the front yard. Then I saw Caden coming towered me. "Do you have time to hang out," Caden asked. "Yeah, I have time to hang out," I replied. "Let's go on your tramp," Caden declared. Caden and I got on my tramp and started bouncing up and down. "How long can you hang out?" I asked Caden. "For about two hours," Caden replied. "That's good enough," I exclaimed. There was a long silence and then something broke the silence. I tuned back and stared at dark clouds rolling in the sky. A storm was starting up. "I love these storms," Caden exclaimed. "Me too," I replied. The thunder started, the rain started, and the lightening started, wait, THE LIGHTENING?!

Chapter 9
"You said this was never going to happen again but you were wrong," Caden cried. "I promised that the tramp would not start on fire, not that a storm with lightning woulden't come," I yelled at him over the howling of the wind. "Fine, ok," Caden replied. Then sudenly the tramp started on fire! "You promised," Caden screamed. "Sorry," I anwsered. "Let's get out of here," Caden screamed over the roaring of the fire. "Let's do this thing," I replied loudly. We both ran to the exit but it was covered in fire. "You are a liar," Caden scolded me," I can't believe you could do this."
"I'm so sorry," I said," I really didn't know this would happen again."
"I forgive you, but we need to get out of here," Caden screamed over the roar of the fire. "Here goes," I said. I tried to jump and reach one of the top bars to hoast myself over the tramp and out but when I touched it it was steeming hot. "Owww," I cried. "You got burert," Caden asked me. "Yeah, what do you think I Did," I anwsered Caden. "I don't know if were ever going to get out of," I said quietly.

Chapter 10
"There's got to be something that we can do to get out of here. "I really don't think that there is a way out of here," I replied loudly. "We got to get out of here," Caden cried. By now the fire was geting closer and closer to us. Caden and I went to the middle of the tramp traped. The fire was growing more and more. "This hole place is on fire, there's no way we can get out of here," I exclaimed scarsly. I couldn't hide my fear, I was so scared. The fire was really really close now, about five feet away from us. The flames seemed to grow and grow and get brighter and brighter. Our tramp is pretty big but the fire grew all over the tramp really fast. Then the flames touched us and started to burn all over. "AGHGHGHGHHGHGHGH," I screamed. "This hurtes SO bad," Caden whined. "AGHGHGHG," I cried again. I was in an oven waiting for death. The sky was darker than I have ever seen it and we were all alone. my skin was all black and burnt. Then all of the sudden My dad, which is a fireman, came runing and put out the fire with his fire estinguesher. "I saw you were in the tramp and ran out to put out the fire," my dad anounced. I never felt so happy in my life. My skin was still black but I didn't care at all, I was out of the fire.

We threw away the tramp about a hour later. The tramp was black as smoke. I was in my room at ten O' clock when I spoted something out the window. I snuck out side to see what it was. It was glowing like fire. I noticed that it was right where the tramp used to be. Then I noticed it WAS fire!!! First it was small, then it was growing beger and biger by the second. I was to stuned to move. Biger and biger till there where flames all around me and I went out cold, dead.

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