Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Chapter 1
"Wait up!!" I cried. I was running to catch up to my best friend, Dan. We were heading out of Bayberry Middle School on our way to Hostage Creek Park. "Hurry up Josh," said Dan. When we got out we started heading to the park. It was a cloudy, sunny afternoon with slight wind. It only took five minutes to get to Hostage Creek Park. When we got there Dan and I started spotting paths immediately. Hostage Creek Park had creeks all over surrounded by forests with paths all over. "Let go on this one," I said, pointing to a thin path near a wide creek. "Sure, wonder where it leads," exclaimed Dan. After going through that path we went home. We are neighbors in a street called St. Rams Street. But I didn't know what I will discover tomorrow could be my doom.

Chapter 2
The next day, we were heading to Hostage Creek Park. "What’s next today," I asked. “We’re going on a path I choose this time," replied Dan. So we took a very wide path cutting through a deep forest. We walked for about one minute and then I spotted a wood stair case. “Let’s go up there," I said, pointing to the stair case. “Sure, let's do this," said Dan. While walking up the stair case it made a creaking noise every time you step on a wooden stair. We reached to the top and looked around. "There's only one path, so I guess we take it," exclaimed Dan. The path was very thin with trees hanging over like a half oval. We had to duck our heads to get through. We got out of the half oval trees made our way to ditches and a split path. “Let’s go down this ditch," cried Dan. “Let’s take the split path it's safer," I exclaimed. "Wait," I said, "it's getting late". "We better get going," exclaimed Dan. We rode our bikes home. I got inside and called Dan immediately.

Chapter 3
It was the last period in school, and our teacher was giving assignments. "This assignment in due Tuesday," Mrs. Boswell, our teacher was saying. Lucky for me, it was Friday, so I could do it over the weekend. Our last period ended and Dan and I headed to Hostage Creek Park. The sky was clear, without a single cloud, and it was cold. We got to Hostage Creek Park and got hiking on a path rite away. "Let’s get up those stairs again," exclaimed Dan. “Yeah," I replied. We got up the stairs took the only path to the split path and then took the path to the left. "There are so many ditches up here," I said. “We should check one out!" said Dan. “I don't feel like going down there,” I replied. So we went on and on until we had to go. When it was time to go we went home. After dinner, my mom said that Dan and I can go over to Hostage Creek Park for a special treat. I called Dan to let him know that we can go to the park. Dan got to my house and then we headed to Hostage Creek Park. It was even colder than before and the sky was dark. “Should we go up those stairs again?" I asked. “Definitely," replied Dan. So we got to the park and went up the stair case. “It is really freaky up here," I said. A shiver shot down my back. We heeded down the path, the ditches were very dark at the bottom. Then "aah," I screamed. I fell down one of the ditches!!! “I’m coming," cried Dan. Then he slid down after me. We fell to the bottom and hit our butts to the ground. I found myself in a dark, rocky, putrid smelling creek, an abandon creek without water in it. there were trees every were that had fallen down, some on the ground, and some holding each other up to form a triangle. But then bats came swooping down at us. "Aah," cried Dan.

Chapter 4
The bats came swooping down rite above our head and went behind us. “That was close," I exclaimed. “Let’s start going down this creek," said Dan. So we started going down the abandon creek. It was hard not to trip on the rocks. We headed down the creek for about one hundred feet. “It’s getting late, we should go home now," I said. “But how do we get out?" Dan complained. Dan was rite, there was no way out. The ditches, the way we came in, were too steep to climb out and practically no other way out. "We’re trapped," I cried. "Help," I cried. “Help," Dan screamed. We kept repeating that until we could say it no more. “Useless," exclaimed Dan. “Maybe there's a exit down father," I replied. We started to go down farther. “This place is freaky," I said. “Yeah, really freaky," Dan replied, but then, there was a rustle in the distance. “D- did you h- here that," I stammered. “Y- yeah, r- really freaky," Dan stammered back. Then someone whispered in my ear “this abandon creek is haunted," the voice whispered in a house whisper.

Chapter 5
"I heard a whisper," I blurted out," it said that the abandon creek is haunted. “It was probably your imagination, exclaimed Dan. “Yeah, you’re probably right, Dan," I said. We walked more and more down the creek. Every step got creepier and creepier. “Look," I cried, “an exit. So we went to the exit and climbed out. The exit was a ditch that had carvings in the dirt so you could climb out. We got out and then I said “let’s go home.” When I got home I called Dan to talk to him about that scary creek. “What do you think it is?" Dan asked. “It could be a ghost," I offered. “Josh, you’re getting out of your mind, no way there's a ghost in that creek.” But what about that whisper in my ear, that could have been a ghost, it even makes more sense that it said that the abandon creek is haunted. “Remember that I told you that it was your imagination, Josh?" Dan said. I was about to answer, but then the connection cut off. “That’s way weird," I said.

Chapter 6
I went down stairs and dinner was ready. I sat down for dinner across from my brother Mathew. Our dinner was lasagna pasta. “I hate this food," cried Mathew. Mathew is a very picky eater and it's so annoying when he whines all the time about the food. Mathew ended up with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. After dinner we watched a movie. The movie was called One Day of an Elf. The movie started out with Santa sitting on a chair. “You all might be wondering what an elf does so this is what I give you, one day of a elf," said Santa. Then it showed the elves working in the toy shop. “These are the toy maker elves, they work all day and they only stop for breakfast, lunch, and dinner," exclaimed Santa. Then the screen switched to a bakery. “These are the baker elves, they bake the food for breakfast and part of lunch, the baker elves make breakfast all the time, so you can imagine how good our food is breakfast," Santa exclaimed again. But then when the screen changed again it showed our living room, where we were watching the movie. In our room there was a white figure running across the room behind us. I turned my head really fast so I could get a glimpse. When I turned my head there was the ghost running across the hall, they disappeared through the wall.

Chapter 7
"Woe," I cried, "did you see that?" “What happened?" mom asked. "I don't know," Dad replied. “I looked back and I saw a ghost just like on the screen," Mathew said. “I don't think so," mom said. "But I saw it to," I exclaimed. "You both are out of your minds," dad said. Then I thought about the whisper in my ear at the creek. That sent a chill down my back. Maybe I was right and Dan was wrong, maybe there is a ghost and it followed me to my house. The next day after school I told the whole story to Dan. "How could you even think about the ghost following you to your house," Dan said. "Maybe he wanted to know who I was," I replied. “Maybe you could prove it to me," Dan said. I thought about what Dan said and I thought maybe I could prove it. We got to Hostage Creek Park and were at the bottom of the abandon creek in no time. "Let's go down," I said. We went down farther and farther until we stopped, right in the middle of the creek, through two fallen trees, we saw a ghost figure right there!!

Chapter 8
"Oh my gosh," I cried, "There’s a g-g-ghost." "Ahahahahh," Dan screamed. Then the ghost started torts us. The ghost went right through the fallen trees. "It's coming towards us ," I cried. Then the ghost concentrated really hard and picked up a rock and threw it at one of those trees that held each other up and the trees collapsed down over our heads. "Run," Dan screamed. So we ran and dove out of the way just as the tree fell down and hit the ground. It seemed like the ghost could go through things unless it concentrated really hard. "You cannot leave, you will tell everyone about me," boomed the ghost. The ghost concentrated really hard, picked up two rocks and threw one each at us. Dan and I ducked and the rock sailed right over our heads. "That was close," I said. "We're not going to be able to doge the rocks all the time," Dan exclaimed. But then the ghost concentrated really hard and started throwing rock in all directions. "We're not going to dodge this," I cried.

Chapter 9
Then a fallen tree appeared. "Let's get behind the fallen tree," I cried. So we went behind the tree. We got lucky and some of the rocks hit off of the tree, bounced back and went right through the ghost, but then more rocks came and hit off the wall. When the rocks hit off the wall, the rocks hit the ghost right when he was concentrating to pick up a rock. So the rock hit the ghost. "Uhh," the ghost moaned. "That seemed to work," Dan said. "Let's keep doing that," I replied. But then the ghost came closer until he was side by side with us. He even had rocks in his hands. "Run," I cried. We ran and ran to another tree. The ghost threw the rocks, concentrated really hard to pick up another rock and the rocks thrown at us bounced back, and hit the ghost. "Uhh," the ghost moaned again. "It worked," I exclaimed. "How many times do we have to do this, it might take forever," Dan said. "Just do it," I replied. We ran to another tree and hid behind it. The ghost came forward and threw a bad aim at the top of the ditch were the dirt kept the tree from falling or breaking. The rock hit the dirt. Some of the dirt crumpled to the ground. The tree slid down but the other end stopped it, but with the force, the tree slid more and then cracked in half and started to fall on top of us!

Chapter 10
"Dive," I cried. We dove just as the tree hit the ground with a deafening boom. "That was really close," Dan exclaimed. But I didn't have time to answer because without knowing, the ghost was side by side with us with rocks in his hands. "Run," Dan screamed. We ran and ran. Then the ghost threw a bunch of rocks in our direction. "Duck," I said. When we ducked the rocks whizzed over our heads. "Look, a tree," said Dan. We then got under the tree in a hurry. The ghost hurled more rocks and rocks. The rocks bounced off the tree but too early. The ghost wasn't concentrating yet. He got the rocks and started towards us really fast. "Aghgh, run," I screamed. We ran just as the ghost started throwing rocks at us. We both dove just in time to dodge the rock. The rocks bounced off the tree just as the ghost was concentrating and hit him right in the stomach. He moaned really loud and then he spun round and round what looked like a tornado and then shot up in the sky and disappeared. "That was way scary," exclaimed Dan. "Yeah, way scary, let's get home," I said. We found a ditch that lead up the top and took the ditch up. When we got to the top and to the stairs, we saw two more ghosts that were big. Then they moaned "You killed our son."


For some strange rezone I was invited to Caravel Terror town. I was so exited. "Get in the truck, Josh;" my mom said to me,” It’s going to be a long drive.
I got in the truck and sat right next to Mathew. Our truck is a shevy that is kind of old.
"Why do I have to sit next to Mathew," I complained," and he wasn't invited to Caravel Terror. "We're all going to drop you and Dan off at the carnival so let's go pick up Dan at his house. Oh, I forgot that Dan was coming with me. We got to Dan's house and Dan was standing on the front porch smiling ear to ear with excitement. Mom let me out of the truck to see Dan. It was a cloudy day and sort of cold with big breezes here and there. Dan was wearing a football t-shirt with kaki shorts. I was wearing a woolen sweater and jeans.