Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Want to Go Skiing!!!

I really really want to go skiing so so bad. I have lots and lots of reasons why I want to go skiing so bad. Here are my reasons to go skiing, I want to get really really good because I see little kids going on big hills and that makes me think I can do it to but I need pratice. The next reason is that it has a lot of exercise instead of just sitting around and wanting to play the Wii. Doing skiing gets my mind off of every thing that is bad!! Even more, I will pay for skiing if I have to. The next reason is that you keep telling me I don't need to save my money up and pay to ski for myself. That is because you say you will bring me which means that you keep saying that you will bring me skiing again and I don't need to pay. So I keep on thinking that you will bring me skiing!! Some times we might run into Cole Lako when we go skiing and go skiing together!!!!