Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Flower-head 3

Chapter 1: The Alien Attack

It happened, aliens came to fight the Earth! They had guns, Flower-head watched the battle. Flower-head saw a guy die. "Laaa," he said! That made Flower-head get angry! Then, he went up to an alien. "You must not do this," he said. The alien refused to not do this. Then Flower-head slaughtered the alien! The other aliens got furious because of what he did! Flower-head got in a fight with the aliens. He then jumped over the aliens and landed on the ground and killed four aliens with his light saber. But then, the aliens surrounded Flower-head he tried to escape but he couldn't! They put Flower-head in handcuffs and in jail! Flower-head didn't like it at all!

The next day it was extremely hot. Then the aliens that captured Flower-head let him go outside. It was hot s the sun melted the chain! Then Flower-head escaped and he threw a detinator bomb and blew up the aliens!

Chapter 2: The Bantam Attack

After Flower-head killed the aliens, they left behind a geasee machine! The machine had the word Bantam on it! But then the machine started making Bantams! They were strange, slimy, round and gushy. They were brown or yellow, or blue, or orange or purple or black. Flower-head then got out his light saber, he tried to slaughter the Bantams but they had a shield all around them! But they started shooting more out of their eyeballs! Flower-head slaughtered as many as he could. More and more were coming! But then, they stopped making more. But why, Flower-head didn't understand? Then they started shooting bullets out of their eyes. Flower-head spun around furiously and blocked all of the bullets and the bullets hit back on the Bantams. There were 15 left. The Bantams were weird. Flower-head then did a slam attack on two Bantams and killed them! Then the other Bantams came to attack! Flower-head jumped and did another slam attack, but on all of the Bantams. They tried to escape, but Flower-head's slam attack was quick. Flower-head killed all of the Bantams.

Chapter 3: The Skiff Guard Attack

The next morning, Flower-head was walking down the street when these doofey looking dudes walked by! They were called Skiff Guards. Flower-head could tell from their tags on them. The Skiff Guards had guns, Flower-head didn't like it an ency bit. One of the Skiff Guards saw Flower-head! At that moment Flower-head had his light saber out! So then the Skiff Guard started to attack! Flower-head blocked all of the their shots. all of the shots hit metal and bounced back and hit five Skiff Guards! Out of pure luck, the Skiff Guards shot Flower-head slightly in the arm! Suddenly a speeder showed up, it had a guy named Bossk in it! Bossk started throwing detonator bombs. But they just dodged them. Then Flower-head spun through four Skiff Guards and killed them!

Then a Skiff Guard shot Bossk right when he was throwing a detonator bomb! Flower-head caught it and threw it at all of the Skiff Guards and killed them!

Chapter 4: Folckom Attack

Flower-head kept walken down the street when he saw a secret passage! He went in the passage, it led to a palace! The palace was in a magical forest with a path leading to it. Flower-head saw two guards guarding it with axes in their hands. He went up to the guards. The guards said to say the secret code. Flower-head said to let him in, but the guards just said to follow them. He followed the guards in the door that he said that he wanted to go in! The door led to a ton of guards the same as the guards that guarded the palace! They told Flower-head that they were called Folckoms! Then the Folckoms started to attacked Flower-head! Flower-head blocked their axes with his light saber, then swiped the axes in half with his light saber! Then the Folckoms couldn't kill Flower-head with their axes any more! So Flower-head spun around twice and killed all of the Folckoms with no trouble!

Chapter 5: Folf

Flower-head walked up a creepy staircase that led to a long hall way with a carpet path! He walked on the path until it stopped. Flower-head looked around, then he saw something! That something was a guy! The guy said that he was Folf and he would kill Flower-head! Flower-head would not let Folf kill him. Folf jumped up and did a slam attack on Flower-head, but Flower-head blocked his slam attack with his light saber. Then after blocking his attack, Flower-head swung his light saber and hit Folf's arm off! Folf swung his light saber one more time, and hit Flower-head backwards! Then two Folckoms took Flower-head!

Meanwhile, three Folckoms repaired Folf's arm.

Chapter 6: An Escape of a Legend

The two Folckoms took him in a dungeon! The dungeon was dirty and had dead people's skeletons laying around. The Folckoms left the dungeon leaving Flower-head alone! Flower-head still had his light saber, but it wouldn't work! He looked around, suddenly, a tribe of prisoners with torches in their hands rounded a corner and came after Flower-head! Flower-head used the force to knock down some of the prisonders. He then jumped up to a window sill and used the force again to knock down more of prisoners. That was all of them! Then Flower-head saw a security camera that was watching him! Flower-head jumped up from the window sill and sliced the camera in half!

Back further in the dungeon there were a bunch of Folckoms that heard the camera being sliced in half. They lunged forward at Flower-head! There were at least one hundred of them after him! Flower-head jumped up to the ceiling and fell down on a vine and used the vine to go out a broken window and dodge all of the Folckoms. Flower-head went through the window in to the room that Folf was in! Folf was ready for battle. Flower-head didn't have his light saber working good! Suddenly Flower-head's light saber fell to the grownd and opened up. Flower-head jumped away from Folf and grabbed his light saber. He blocked three of Folf's swings, and did a slam attack on him and knocked his light saber out of his hand. Folf jumped to retrieve the light saber, but Flower-head used the force to keep him away from his light saber! Then Folf tried to used the force, but Flower-head got in the way. But Folf's force was powerful that it took Flower-head too far back to stop Folf from getting his light saber! When Folf got his light saber, he jumped to Flower-head and did a front tip swipe, but Flower-head blocked it and swiped twice, but Folf blocked that. Flower-head was quick and quickly swiped again and killed Folf!!! Flower-head busted a window and escaped out it and completed the mison, to kill Folf!

Monday, November 16, 2009

My First Research Report: The Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre was on March 5,1770, in Boston Massachusetts. A boy insulted a British soldier. The soldier hit the boy with a stick. The boy then ran away. He came back with friends and started throwing stuff at the soldier. The soldier shot at the crowd and killed five men.

The name, The Boston Massacre, is not appropriate because not too many people died. In a massacre, you would expect a lot of people to die. England would have called it: Defense in Boston.